Sunday the 17th May would have been the 28th annual sponsored walk for The Sussex Heart Charity. The walk not only raises money for a valuable cause but is also a celebration as former cardiac patients come together to walk the 5 miles from Brighton Marina to the Peace Statue in Hove & back.
Many patients missed participating on Sunday due to the COIVD-19 crisis, but Cardiac Rehabilitation Nurse Specialist Katherine Moore, her sister Claire Byrd and Nurse Janet Byrne walked for them!
Katherine Said:
“This year marks my 30th Year as a Cardiac Rehabilitation Nurse, due to the Covid-19 crisis I am currently redeployed on one of the Cardiac Wards in Brighton.
The Sussex Heart Charity has provided so much over the years. Defibrillators in the community, equipment for the Sussex Cardiac centre, Cardiac Rehabilitation programmes & support for ongoing exercise programmes in the community.
As lockdown rules on exercise have been relaxed, we wanted to say thank you, dress up and raise funds to go towards projects such as the ‘at-home’ Cardiac Rehabilitation Heart Manuals, anything to help patients during this difficult time.”
At the time of writing Katherine and her sister have raised in excess of £2,000.
Post heart surgery patients would normally be referred to a local group lead by a Cardiac Rehabilitation Nurse; since the COVID-19 pandemic started, all physical Cardiac Rehabilitation classes have ceased temporarily.
Last year, donations from supporters funded a programme to provide ‘at-home’ Cardiac Rehabilitation which utilises modern technology (in print & online) which gives patients access to ‘Heart manuals.’ These manuals along with remote support from Cardiac Rehabilitation Nurses help patients track their progress; they also provide information and psychological support.
Originally intended for patients who were unable to attend classes due to other commitments or returning to work, this project has proved an extremely effective solution during the lockdown.